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Patrick Caulfield's Interiors series is an evocative exploration of indoor spaces depicted through four times of the day: morning, noon, evening, and night. This 1971 series of screenprints showcases Caulfield's graphic style, marked by clean lines and bold colours, capturing the changing light and mood of each time of day. The series offers a visual narrative of daily progression, highlighting the interplay between light, mood, space, and time.

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Meaning & Analysis

In the Interiors series, Patrick Caulfield masterfully uses colour and geometric forms to create distinct atmospheres corresponding to different times of the day. Each print not only represents a specific time of day - morning, noon, evening, night and - but also captures the emotional and psychological tones associated with these times.

Interior: Morning is rendered in soft yellows and muted greys, conveying the calmness and opportunistic feeling of a new day. As the series progresses to Interior: Noon, the colours intensify; vibrant yellows and deep blues dominate the scene, reflecting the brightness and energy of midday. The mood shifts in Interior: Evening, where softer, darker hues suggest the winding down of the day. Finally, Interior: Night offers a stark contrast, with deep blacks and warm interior lights illustrating the quietness and introspection of night time.

Caulfield’s depiction of interiors invites viewers to reflect on how spaces interact with temporal changes and affect our emotional states. By focusing on the mundane, furniture and interior objects, Caulfield comments on the psychological impact of our immediate environments. The changing light that passes through these rooms illuminates the physical space and metaphorically highlights the shifting landscape of our internal worlds throughout the day.