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And Child: A Tribute To Mother Teresa

In 1980, Maqbool Husain, celebrated Indian artist and co-founder of the Bombay Progressive Artists' Group, created a poignant series titled Mother And Child: A Tribute To Mother Teresa. These lithographs vividly depict Mother Teresa's compassion for children, employing gestural lines and abstracted figures.

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Meaning & Analysis

Maqbool Husain, a prominent figure in Indian art and a co-founder of the Bombay Progressive Artists' Group, expressed his admiration for Mother Teresa through the Mother And Child lithograph series. Each lithograph portrays Mother Teresa and her fellow nuns in their iconic white saris with blue borders, depicted amidst scenes of caring for malnourished children and the destitute.

The series employs contrasting colours and geometric forms to convey a sense of reverence and gravity. Notably, Husain uses negative space to leave Mother Teresa’s figure undefined, focusing instead on the nurturing gestures and the emotional impact of her work. This technique underscores the artist’s interest in abstraction while emphasising the humility of Mother Teresa’s mission.

Each lithograph in the series serves as a visual homage to Mother Teresa’s lifelong dedication to serving the impoverished. Through his vibrant and emotionally resonant compositions, Husain captures the essence of her humanitarian spirit and the enduring legacy of her work.