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Louise Bourgeois' The Fragile series comprises 36 prints, each titled from The Fragile 1 through to The Fragile 36. Created in 2007, the series is a profound exploration of vulnerability, memory, and personal trauma, expressed through Bourgeois's distinctive use of materials and form. The works vary in medium and presentation but are unified by the overarching concept of fragility in both a physical and metaphorical sense.

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Meaning & Analysis

Louise Bourgeois' The Fragile series captures the essence of her artistic exploration into the human condition, focusing particularly on aspects of emotional and psychological fragility. Each piece within the series embodies a delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, a recurring theme in Bourgeoiss broader body of work.

The Fragile series invites viewers to reflect on their own vulnerabilities and the universal experience of fragility in life. Bourgeois' art serves as a cathartic exploration of her own personal memories, particularly focusing on themes of loss, longing, and resilience. The repetitive exploration of these themes across 36 prints allows for a nuanced understanding of fragility from multiple perspectives, making the series a profound meditation on the human psyche.