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In The Zoo

Henry Moore's Animals In The Zoo (1981) is a print portfolio comprising 15 etchings that capture the essence of zoo animals - from antelopes to zebras - in rich detail. Each artwork focuses on one species, representing, in black and white, detailed line work and smooth shading, the beauty and power of these creatures.

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Meaning & Analysis

Henry Moore's Animals In The Zoo print portfolio was published in 1981-82 under Raymond Spencer Company Ltd for the Henry Moore Foundation. It is a captivating collection of artworks that explores the world of zoo animals.

Through his distinctive attention to detail, Moore depicts the essence and spirit of these creatures, creating a celebration of their natural grace and power. Using his powerful composition skills, seen prominently in his famed sculptures, Moore captures each species' unique character: the Antelope are shown in a pair, with a close-up of their heads that conveys an inquisitive, weary nature; the Leopard is pictured as powerful and majestic, staring at the viewer from its relaxed repose on a tree stump; the Zebra appears patient, with downwards sloping neck seen in three-quarter profile.

Implicitly, by setting in and naming his portfolio after the zoo, Moore perhaps confronts the complexities of captivity and our role in preserving the natural world. By presenting these animals in their zoo habitats, Moore prompts us to consider the ethical implications of confining living beings for human observation and entertainment.

Through his masterful use of the etching medium to create delicate shading that conveys texture and depth, Moore imbues each animal with a palpable sense of movement and life. The animals depicted in the portfolio exude a powerful presence, their energy and vitality emanating from the page. In Animals In The Zoo Moore's careful observation and understanding of animal anatomy allow him to capture their essence, highlighting their individual characteristics and highlighting the unique beauty of each species.

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