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Our Appeal For Ohmatdyt Children's Hospital

reviewed by Erin Argun,
Last updated16 Jan 2025
Staff at Ohmatdyt HospitalImage © Ohmatdyt Hospital 2022
Joe Syer

Joe Syer

Co-Founder & Specialist

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The National Specialised Children’s Hospital, Ohmatdyt, in Kyiv, is working tirelessly at the centre of the most severe geopolitical conflict and refugee crisis in Europe since World War II.

The world is currently facing one of the worst humanitarian crises in Europe of our lifetimes. More than 2 million people have fled Ukraine since the Putin-led invasion, making it the fastest growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War Two, according to the United Nations refugee agency, the UNHCR. In light of this, we are urgently holding a very special silent auction from 18th - 27th March 2022 for an editioned print by Banksy, CND Soldiers from 2005. The total money raised from the final bid will go directly to Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital, the largest children’s hospital in Ukraine, situated in Kyiv.

Patients on makeshift beds in Ohmatdyt hospital basementImage © Ohmatdyt Hospital 2022

About Ohmatdyt Hospital

Ohmatdyt is a multidisciplinary diagnostic and treatment centre that provides highly specialised medical care for children of Ukraine and treats up to 20,000 children annually. The hospital provides highly specialised cancer treatment, dialysis and complex operations for children in Ukraine. Amidst the current crisis, children require continued, essential life-saving treatment and this is why it is so important that we raise as much money as possible for Ohmatdyt.

Ohmatdyt is continuing to carry out essential work in Kyiv as the crisis unfolds. Despite active shelling and air strikes by the Russian Federation, Ohmatdyt specialists continue to remain in Kyiv to protect and treat children who require life saving treatment including cancer care and dialysis. The hospital is also working tirelessly to help those wounded by Russian attacks, who are constantly being brought to hospital. Thanks to dedicated work, timely medical care can be provided to patients in full capacity.

Ohmatdyt Hospital has explained of their desperate situation:

'Wounded children and adults are now being admitted to Ohmatdyt, and seriously ill patients are being held in shelter for days. Wounded children whose parents were killed in front of them are being brought to us. Elderly people whose homes were destroyed by a rocket are brought to us. Victims of civilians are being brought to us.’
Ohmatdyt Hospital

Severely ill children at Ohmatdyt are being forced to hide from Russian attacks in the basement of the hospital. Children who have undergone neurosurgery, those living with cancer and newborns are all having to shelter from Russian shelling for days at a time without sunlight. Hospital staff have had to deploy makeshift operating rooms and wards in the basements of each hospital building as they strive to continue to provide medical care at ‘pre-war level.’

The children at Ohmatdyt do not fully understand what is happening, because they are surrounded by an incredible amount of love and care. But from their mothers, staff at the hospital, who have not slept for days, hear only one question: ‘When will it all end?’



Stories from Ukraine

The hospital has highlighted several individual stories that are indicative of the wider crisis, emphasising the urgency of the hospital’s cause.

One such story is of 7 year old Varvara. She was injured with her mother in the suburb of Irpin by Russian munitions while attempting to flee the area.

Varvara’s mother, Natalia, drove with her family to the Russian checkpoint in Irpin after making the difficult decision to evacuate the city. Upon arrival at the checkpoint, Russian soldiers began to shoot at civilians and a mine exploded just 10 meters from the family’s car. Natalia and Varvara received shrapnel wounds and severely injured their legs.

Varvara and her mother stayed at Irpin hospital for three days before being taken to Ohmatdyt in Kyiv. It is said that shelling did not subside in Irpin, even for a moment, hence the urgent decision to evacuate. The only way to escape was via the destroyed bridge, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces carried Natalia in a wheelchair and Varvara in their arms.

At Ohmatdyt, specialists diagnosed severe damage to the soft tissues of the thighs of the mother and daughter, and both underwent extremely serious and life altering surgery.

When asked what she wants most, 7 year old Varvara she speaks for all of Ukraine: ‘What I want the most is home and that the war will end.’

7 year old Varvara after SurgeryImage © Ohmatdyt Hospital 2022


MyArtBroker is holding a 10-day silent auction for Banksy’s ever-relevant CND Soldiers print from 2005. Money raised will directly help to ensure that critical work at Ohmatdyt Hospital can continue.

The full functioning of Ohmatdyt is a matter of national security for Ukraine where it is working to treat all war-affected patients and those children whose lives depend on critical treatment from the hospital. Your contribution to our silent auction shows a willingness to help and understand the significance of the hospital’s case, and is a demonstration of support for Ukraine at this time.

Please consider donating to Ohmatdyt Hospital in Kyiv, Ukraine’s Largest Children’s Hospital, here.

We are also appealing to our clients to contribute to our silent auction for Banksy’s CND Soldiers, where 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the hospital.

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