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Still Lifes And A Rabbit

Wayne Thiebaud's Seven Still Lifes And A Rabbit is a series of lithograph prints, created between 1970-71. The series, which includes prints titled Rabbit, Sandwich, Toy Counter, and Chocolate Cake, presents a whimsical yet poignant reimagining of commonplace items, blurring the boundary between enticing commercial imagery and art.

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Meaning & Analysis

Wayne Thiebaud's Seven Still Lifes And A Rabbit series from 1970-71 showcases his iconic approach to still life. The series presents an exploration of form, colour, and everyday beauty, elevating and centring mundane objects by elevating them as the artwork's primary subject.

Thiebaud’s works like Candy Counter and Big Suckers feature an array of flatly depicted sweets, with their paired back renderings similar to those of advertisements. Rabbit, distinctly different from the rest, still carries Thiebaud's style but with a focus on the animal as a subject, posing the question as to whether animals can, or should, be perceived as products.

The series exemplifies Thiebaud’s masterful control over his medium, with each print inciting a sense of nostalgia. His precise control of tones and shades transforms simple compositions into vivid scenes, making everyday objects appear extraordinary.