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Aegean Suite

Created in 1971, The Aegean Suite by Barbara Hepworth encapsulates her fascination with Greek antiquity and the natural landscapes of Greece. This series of lithographs reflect Hepworth's sculptural approach to form and space in a two-dimensional medium.

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Meaning & Analysis

Barbara Hepworth’s The Aegean Suite marks a significant departure from her sculptural works into the realm of lithography, influenced by her visits to Greece and its ancient sites. Created in collaboration with master printer Stanley Jones MBE at the Curwen Studio, these lithographs embody Hepworth’s exploration of light, space, and the elemental forms found in nature.

The series is a testament to Hepworth’s ability to translate the essence of Greek landscapes into abstract compositions, each lithograph capturing the play of light on water, the solidity of marble, and the tranquility of Aegean vistas. Sun And Water and Sun Setting evoke the interplay of sunlight and sea, whilst Olympus pays homage to Greek mythology and ancient architecture.

Hepworth’s lithographs are characterised by their refined lines and harmonious balance, reflecting her lifelong commitment to exploring the relationships between form and material. The Aegean Suite exemplifies Hepworth’s artistic evolution, showcasing her mastery of lithography as a medium to express her sculptural vision.

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